Serving Children & Families    Across the United States

Adoption, Foster, and Kinship Friendship Gatherings: Building Community for Caregivers

Angie is at it again! This week, we hosted a special Christmas Friendship Gathering for caregivers in Putnam County, and what a time it was. These gatherings hold a special place in our hearts because they’re all about bringing together the people who walk the unique and challenging journey of raising someone else’s child.  

So, who are these incredible individuals we serve alongside? They’re schoolteachers, airline pilots, manufacturers, military personnel, retired couples—you name it. They come from all walks of life, united by their shared calling to care for children in need.  

Parenting is hard enough, but parenting someone else’s child brings challenges that only those who have been there truly understand. It’s one of the hardest callings in life, but also one of the most rewarding. The bond among these caregivers is special because they “get it” in a way others might not.  

This week’s gathering was a time of joy, connection, and encouragement. It reminded us of why we do what we do—because these parents and guardians need a safe space to recharge and feel supported. It’s a blessing to open our home and serve these amazing people who pour so much into the lives of others.  

If you’re a foster, adoptive, or kinship parent and are looking for a community that understands your journey, we’d love for you to join us. Drop us an email at **[email protected]** for more information about our Friendship Gatherings.  

You’re not alone, and we’re here to walk this road with you. Together, we can make the hard days a little easier and the good days even brighter.  

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  


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