Serving Children & Families    Across the United States


Church Enrollment

CarePortal church partners connect local churches with families in need by responding to specific requests from child welfare agencies, providing essential resources and support to help stabilize families and prevent children from entering foster care.

Business Enrollment

CarePortal business partners collaborate with local churches and child welfare agencies by providing financial resources, goods, or services to meet urgent needs for families and children, helping to strengthen communities and support family stability.

Community Responder Enrollment

CarePortal Community Responders are individuals who partner with churches to meet urgent needs posted on the CarePortal platform, offering direct support to children and families in their community.

Agency Request Form

CarePortal vetted requests work by allowing child welfare professionals to submit verified needs of families and children in crisis, which are then shared with local churches and community responders through the CarePortal platform to mobilize timely support.

Open Requests

CarePortal open requests are verified needs posted by child welfare agencies on the CarePortal platform, allowing churches and community responders the opportunity to provide timely support to families and children in crisis.

Schedule A Meeting

If you have any questions about how CarePortal works or how you can get involved, please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with me—I’d love to connect!



At the heart of our mission is a deep commitment to sharing the love of Christ with children and families in the foster and adoption community. Chaplains Ted and Angie Stackpole are dedicated to bringing hope, stability, and strength to those who need it most, ensuring that every child experiences the warmth of a Christ-centered home.

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The Assessment

Pre-Adoption & Pre-Foster
Care Assessment

Live Training

Christ-Centered Training for

Online Courses

Flexible and On-Demand