Casper and Beth became licensed foster parents in 2013, opening their home and hearts to children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers, while raising their two biological daughters. Over the years, they provided care for countless children, most of them in short-term placements, never knowing what each season might bring but trusting God with every step.
After fostering for seven years, their lives changed when they welcomed a newborn baby boy into their home. From the beginning, they felt a special connection to him. As they cared for him, they also worked to build a relationship with his biological mother, meeting with her regularly during his placement.
Ten months later, they received another unexpected blessing: the boy’s mother gave birth to a second baby boy. Unfortunately, she was still unable to safely parent, and the boys’ little brother joined their home as well. Casper and Beth embraced this challenge with open arms, pouring love and care into the lives of these precious siblings.
Despite nearly two years of support and opportunities, their mother’s recovery efforts were unsuccessful. Heartbroken but hopeful, she made the difficult decision to sign away her parental rights, entrusting Casper and Beth with the boys’ futures. By then, a bond of trust had formed between them. She saw the love Casper and Beth had for her sons and knew they would not only provide a safe and loving home but also honor her role in their story in a way that allowed her to stay appropriately involved in their lives.
In 2023, the adoption was finalized, and Casper and Beth officially became a family of six. Their journey hasn’t been without challenges. Adjusting to raising boys brought new dynamics, and there have been hard days along the way. But through it all, Casper and Beth remain committed to raising their children in the knowledge and love of God—their Creator, Father, and Savior.
“We’re not perfect,” Beth shares. “But we love our kids fiercely and rely on God’s grace to guide us. Our journey has been a testament to His faithfulness, and we’re grateful for the privilege of being a family.”