Our local Guardian ad Litem is advocating for a remarkable 16-year-old young lady who is part of an open dependency case. She is the mother of a 5-month-old baby boy and is working diligently to build a brighter future for both herself and her child.
This young mother is highly committed to her education and is on track to graduate early. In addition to her schoolwork, she manages the full-time care of her son and the upkeep of their home, all while exclusively breastfeeding.
Currently, she is using a hand pump that is wearing out, which limits her ability to pump milk efficiently while juggling her responsibilities. Despite her challenges, she rarely asks for any assistance to care for her son.
To support her incredible determination and hard work, we hope to gift her with a new wireless breast pump. This would allow her greater freedom to care for her baby, stay on top of her schoolwork, and continue providing nourishment for her son.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to bless a dedicated young mother.